Spiderman is one of my favourite childhood superhero but MCU Spiderman dint cut it for me! Me being a MCU collector love movie figures and the newest Spiderman in last 3 iteration is growing in me. His romance with his high school girlfriend is subtle yet very quite so I decided to dedicate this year’s Valentines day toy photoshoot to him! Unlike Ironman I don’t have that many Spiderman (I thought so) but later realised I have some collection of MCU Spiderman and decided to go him and his girlfriend/crush MJ for this photoshoot.
The bigger problem in this shoot is that I don’t have neither my DSLR not my mirrorless for this shoot! So I have to improvise and use some mobile phone camera to get some results… so I borrowed my dad’s iPhone SE as my iPhone 8 camera is getting a bit old! Now comes the bigger issue! Poses and how to get that intimacy! I just dint want to do just a photoshoot but a toy shoot that talks romance and Spiderman in every frame. So the first shot is of Spidey and his girlfriend swinging through the city. The Spiderman figures used in this shot is a MCU figure but this classic Spidey is perfectly size go well in this sling shoot.
For the next shot I used a unmasked Peter Parker head and Stanlee body… MJ stays the same and this shot is planned around the some greenery! This is one of my best as I got exactly what I wanted and the slightly blurred out background give it that DSLR like look! I clicked over 100 photo in 4 different environment but none turned out the way I wanted… So all to trash! Though I got a very few good shots but I am happy with the overall results. Hope you like my photos… Happy Valentine Day!